“Mini Edit” Offer Till August 1 (now extended)

Aren’t sure your work needs much editing? Perhaps you’re wondering if the piece is even worth being edited? Maybe you’re curious about how the editing process works, or wondering if my edits would ‘click’ with your style? Heck, maybe you can’t afford editing on a longer project, but would like the opening, or ending, made lustrous, or maybe you’ve a nice little short story wanting attention before being sent alone into the publishing world? With these questions in mind, I present the Mini Edit. It’s a normal, real-life edit, but… smaller.

For $50 you receive line-by-line editing on 10 double-spaced pages (or up to 2500 words)  plus notes on the piece highlighting its strengths while pointing out what would make it stronger.

This limited-time offer is for fiction and non-fiction works only, as poetry is more time-intensive (contact me for poetry rates).  *Note: offer is now a permanent part of my services. See here.

Maybe it will be the start of a wonderful working relationship. Operators are standing by.